Opened in 1892. A platform was once located here and theatre performances given. Sculptures presented to the city by sculptor K. Baumanis are displayed in the park. The Theatre House is also located here, home of the Auseklis Limbaži Folk Theatre. The statue “Kissers” is displayed the Theatre House (by sculptor O. Šilova).
"Lauvas pica" offers freshly baked and after original recipes made pizzas, observing an special preparation of the dough, which ensures a constant quality, as well as salad, soups, refreshing drinks, coffee and tea. More info ››
Opened in 1892. A platform was once located here and theatre performances given. Sculptures presented to the city by sculptor K. Baumanis are displayed in the park. The Theatre House is also located here, home of the Auseklis Limbaži Folk Theatre. The statue “Kissers” is displayed the Theatre House (by sculptor O. Šilova). More info ››
Located at the intersection of Dailes Street and Cēsu Street. The bronze monument was unveiled in 1998 (by sculptors Z. Rapa and J. Rapa). More info ››