Mini ZOO "Priedītes"

Address:"Priedītes", Katvaru pagasts, Limbažu novads
Phone number:+371 29287290

Ežurga cliffs

Address:Liepupes pagasts
The Burtnieki Series sandstone outcrop is up to 3.5 meters high and about 50 meters wide. The outcrop is a beautiful shade of red. In the northern part of the cliff, where the Ežurga River flows into the sea with a waterfall, the cliffs are smooth and approximately 10 meters wide. More info ››

Salacgrīva Promenade

The Salaca promenade was created to protect the right bank of the Salaca river from erosion. More info ››

Riding School "Dūjas"

Address:"Lejasvilnīši", Liepupes pagasts, Limbažu novads
Phone number: +371 29479486
The Dūjas Riding School teaches everything about and around horses on a daily basis and regularly trains on the riding field. More info ››

Svētupe lamprey weir

Address:Salacgrīvas pagasts
The lamprey fishing in Svētupe takes place from August 1st to February 1st. When the river completely freezes, the owners must not only manage the holes where the eel traps are placed and removed but also carefully monitor to ensure that the shifting ice does not dislodge or damage the trap supports. More info ››

Wall Paintings in the “Old-Town Hall"

Address:Burtnieku iela 4, Limbaži
Phone number:+371 26351433, +371 28622379

Monument to Composer and Author of the Latvia National Anthem Kārlis Baumanis

Address:Cēsu un Dailes ielu stūris
Located at the intersection of Dailes Street and Cēsu Street. The bronze monument was unveiled in 1998 (by sculptors Z. Rapa and J. Rapa). More info ››

Tūja Pier and Tūja Beach

Once upon a time, the only pier or boat slipway like the one in Tūja was from Mangaļsala all the way to Ainaži. More info ››

Limbaži Medieval Castle Ruins and Panorama Tower

Address:Burtnieku iela 7, Limbaži
Phone number:+371 64070632
The construction of the castle was started in the first half of the 13th century. From the 15th to the 16th century it had been the residence of Riga’s archbishop. The castle was destroyed during the wars in the 17th and the 18th centuries. Renovation works of the castle ruins were started in 1999. The panorama tower was constructed instead of the castle “gate tower”. A spring flows down the castle mound on the North hillside. More info ››

Gates of Love and Friendship

Address:Burtnieku iela 4 (pagalmā), Limbaži

"Center kiosk" - an outdoor showcase

Address:Cēsu iela 1, Limbaži

Fountain "Ball"

Address:Rīgas iela 16, Limbaži

Fountain "Dandelion Fluff"

Address:Jaunās un Zāles ielas krustojums, Limbaži.

Ģildes (Guild) Street

Formed in the 14th century. Lined with buildings at the end of the 18th century and in the 19th century. The house where clairvoyant Eugene Finks once lived is located on this street. The guide, leading a walk around the town also will show, where was a prison on the Ģilde street. More info ››

Transfiguration of Christ Orthodox Church

Address: Klostera iela 8
Phone number:+371 64022178
The magnificent church was constructed in 1900 to 1903 in the Neo-Byzantine style according to a three section design. It was formed in the territory of Livonian period monastery. The largest orthodox church in Vidzeme outside Riga. More info ››

Limbaži Evangelical Lutheran Church

Address: Lībiešu iela 2
Phone number: +371 29430665
The masonry church buildin was funded by the Riga City Council and built in 1679 - 1680,according to the building master's R.Bindenšu desing. The building suffered fires several times. The church interior houses art works of different styles - pulpit-altar, pulpit, etc. Open for visitors daily during the season ( May - September ). Amonument to th Freedom Fights of Latvia stands in tne church garden. More info ››

Catholic Church

Address:Ceriņu iela 1, Limbaži
Phone number: +371 27497288
Built in 1996 ( architects I.Jekele and D. Straubergs ). The first Catholic Church in latvia newly-built after the restoration of Latvia's independence. More info ››

Ķurmrags Lighthouse

Address:Liepupes pagasts
Ķurmrags Lighthouse is located in Ķurmragciems, on the Cape of Ķurmrags Land. Ķurmrags is the most significant cape on the Vidzeme coast of the Gulf of Riga. More info ››

Deer garden "Kārlēni"

Address:Pīlāgkalni, Katvaru pag., Limbažu novads,
Phone number:29265923
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