Organic farm "Ārgaļi"

The main activity of the farm is the cultivation of large-berry cranberries. Quinces, blackcurrants, raspberries, pumpkins and rhubarb are also grown, which turn into tasty and healthy treats.
Zemes iela 1, Mandegas, Skultes pagasts.
lat: 57.332698; lon: 24.498272
+371 28706801

Skulte Manor and Park

Address:Skultes pag.
Phone:+371 29546818, +371 29633393
Skulte manor was founded in 1st half of the 16th century. From century 80ties Skulte became the property of Šulceni family. After the Great Northern war a luxurious castle with gate and towers was built, a wide park was made and stone farm houses were built. More info ››

Environment health farm „Cērpi”

Address:Cērpi, Skultes pag., Limbažu nov.,
Phone: +371 29527291
A certified healer and reiki master offers lectures and advice on sauna healing, the collection and use of medicinal herbs, reiki healing sessions, as well as lectures and seminars on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and folk healing traditions. More info ››

Market in Skulte

Address:Dūči 2 (25,41 km), Skultes pagasts, Limbažu novads
Phone:+371 26525513

Skulte Sv. Matīsa Evangelical - Lutheran church

Address: Skulte, Skultes pag.
Phone: +371 29449558
Built in 1764., rebuilt in 1938. There is preserved the original altar and pulpit with paintings, which both are art monuments of national importance. More info ››
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