Catholic Church

Address:Ceriņu iela 1, Limbaži
Phone: +371 27497288
Built in 1996 ( architects I.Jekele and D. Straubergs ). The first Catholic Church in latvia newly-built after the restoration of Latvia's independence. read more ››

Deer garden "Kārlēni"

Address:Pīlāgkalni, Katvaru pag., Limbažu novads,

The Theatre house and Unity park

Address:Parka iela 7, Limbaži
Phone:+371 29107644
Opened in 1892. A platform was once located here and theatre performances given. Sculptures presented to the city by sculptor K. Baumanis are displayed in the park. The Theatre House is also located here, home of the Auseklis Limbaži Folk Theatre. The statue “Kissers” is displayed the Theatre House (by sculptor O. Šilova). read more ››

Jaunlāde manor

Address:Jaunlādes muiža Limbažu pagasts, Limbažu novads LV-4020

Latvijas Brīvību cīņu piemineklis

Address: Lībiesu iela 2

Pils street

Address: Pils iela

Vienības park

Address:Parka iela
Opened in 1892. A platform was once located here and theatre performances given. Sculptures presented to the city by sculptor K. Baumanis are displayed in the park. The Theatre House is also located here, home of the Auseklis Limbaži Folk Theatre. The statue “Kissers” is displayed the Theatre House (by sculptor O. Šilova). read more ››

Environment health farm „Cērpi”

Address:Cērpi, Skultes pag., Limbažu nov.,
Phone: +371 29527291; 64065401
A certified healer and reiki master offers lectures and advice on sauna healing, the collection and use of medicinal herbs, reiki healing sessions, as well as lectures and seminars on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and folk healing traditions. read more ››

Bīriņi manor park

Address:Bīriņu Pils, Bīriņi, Vidrižu pag., Limbažu nov.
Phone:+37129244927 / LV,RU, +371 29416661/EN

Blacksmith workshop and blacksmith Affairs Museum

Address:Vidriži, Vidrižu pag.
Phone: +371 29462999
Latvian Crafts camera forgemaster, Country creation master. After customer wishes - for pubs, bath houses, salons, farms produces: fireplace tools, shutters, outdoor lamps, garden chariots. read more ››

Lauči stone

Address: Skultes pag.
More than 2 m high and about 70 ton heavy sea stone, also called ''The king of the stones''. Washed out from the sea in 1853. read more ››

Lavander fields- Lillas lavender

Address:Mazķītas, Umurgas pagasts, Limbažu novads
Phone:+371 26 447 888
Relaxing activity for recreation and photo shoots, absolute fragrance and serenity. It is possible to see the lavender fields during the summer, preferably- after the summer solstice up to middle of August. read more ››

Stump drums from farm "Dzirnupes"

Address:Viļķenes pag., Dzirnupes
Phone:+371 26408465
Opportunity to take part in country homestead chores, to learn the gathering process of herbal teas, to enjoy a real country sauna and view ancient household tools. The forge house is scheduled to be opened at the beginning of the season. read more ››

The Small Lauči stone

Address: Lauči, Skultes pag., Limbažu nov.
Is located about 150 m from the Big Lauči stone in Riga direction, in the seashore. Its height - 2m, girt - 9,6m.
This stone also is a tenable state-importance nature object. read more ››

"Lauči Zeichen-Stein"

Address: Skultes pag., Limbažu novads
It can be found between the Big and Small Lauči stones, at the edge of a little stream. Sometimes after larger storms this rock is covered with sand. read more ››

Skulte Manor and Park

Address:Skultes pag.
Phone:+371 29546818, +371 29633393
Skulte manor was founded in 1st half of the 16th century. From century 80ties Skulte became the property of Šulceni family. After the Great Northern war a luxurious castle with gate and towers was built, a wide park was made and stone farm houses were built. read more ››
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