Woolen and Linen Products - "Limbažu Tīne" Ltd

Address:Pļavu iela 4, Limbaži
Phone:+371 29466036

"Limbažu Felt" exhibition of historical testimony

Address:Mūru iela 21, Limbaži
Phone:+371 20030380
Continuous former factory "Limbažu Felt" exhibition of historical testimony. Historical narration. Felt workshop with the opportunity to try hand felt souvenir preparation. read more ››

TLMS „Dzilna”

Phone: +371 26576299 un +371 2941412

Deer garden "Jaunozoli"

Address:"Jaunozoli", Umurgas pag., Limbažu nov.,
Phone:+371 29163639

Nature Trail of Lielezers Lake

3.6 km long nature trail with ponton bridge, a bird watching tower is build. Near the rail is situated well equipped beach, boat rent, angling, sports fields and playgrounds are available. read more ››

Niedrāji-Pilka Swamp Nature Trail

Address:Pāles pag., Limbažu nov.,

Vidriži manor

Address:Vidrižu pag., Vidriži
In the 19th century Vidriži manor belonged to baron fon Budbergs family (in many geneartions it was connected with the Russian czar court). The castle of baron Budbergs was built in 1870. and the baron lived there during summers. read more ››

Dziļezers-Riebezers Nature Trail

Address:Limbažu novads, Limbažu pagasts, m. "Priedītes", LV - 4001
Phone:26725875; 26179055

Pāle parish district museum

Address: Pāles pag., Kalnakrogs
Phone: +371 26489008
The exhibition reflects the history of Pāle parish and its surrounding area. This is the only museum in Latvia where information is available about the history of Vidzeme’s Livs.


Skulte Sv. Matīsa Evangelical - Lutheran church

Address: Skulte, Skultes pag.
Phone: +371 29449558
Built in 1764., rebuilt in 1938. There is preserved the original altar and pulpit with paintings, which both are art monuments of national importance. read more ››

Ķirbiži Nature educational center

Address: Viļķenes pag., Ķirbiži
Phone: +371 29288916
In the 18th - 19th century built Ķirbiži manor complex barn - crop - oast, from 1989. runs the only forest museum in Northern Latvia, which in 2009. was renamed as Ķirbiži Nature educational center. read more ››

Stārasti castle mound

Address: Skultes pag., pi Stārastiem
This castle mound is located on the right bank of river Aģe, 2 km up from the railway bridge. The historian A. Bīlenšteins searched for the ancient Metsepole center here, whereas an archeologist believed this castle mound to be a insignificant war-time hideout. read more ››

Viļķene St. Catherine Lutheran Church

Address:Baznīcas iela 4, Viļķene, Viļķenes pag., Limbažu nov.,
Phone: +371 26187321
Constructed in 1866 in the Gothic style. The church organ was constructed in 1868 and is a cultural monument of national significance. read more ››

Augstroze Evangelical – Lutheran Church

Address:Augstrozes baznīca, Umurgas pag., Limbažu nov.,
Phone: +371 29127163
The church was constructed in 1789. Its altar was later moved to the masonry church constructed in 1859. In 1968, the church was closed and turned into a grain warehouse. Augstrozes’ parish renewed its activity in 1991. The church has since been reconstructed and its altar has acquired its former appearance. read more ››
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