Open-air complex with Artists' Shed

Address:Lielā iela 19, Staicele
Phone: +371 27806452
In July 2008, an open-air complex - the Artists' Shed, was opened in the centre of the town, behind the Weavers' House at 19 Lielā Street. read more ››

Puikule Manor

Address:Puikules muiža, Puikule, Brīvzemnieku pag.
Phone:+371 26321158
In May 2014, the Puikule Primary School was closed and the Puikule Manor Community Centre was established to keep the building open for local residents and the community. read more ››

Purezers Nature Trail

The trail is located in the territory of the North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve. The trail offers picturesque views of the marsh lake and the landscape of the high marsh. Visiting the nature trail, you can relax and get to know the flora and fauna of the marsh. The nature trail has rest areas with tables, benches and fireplaces. There are two floating platforms at opposite ends of the lake. At the beginning of the trail, there is a parking area and a resting place at the edge of the "Nut Track". read more ››

Salaca River

The fifth largest river in Latvia, it flows from Lake Burtnieki and is 94.4 km long. The Salaca River is the foundation of the Salaca Valley Nature Park, one of the most picturesque rivers in Latvia with outstanding natural values. read more ››

Salaca river rafting tour

Address:Dzirnavu iela 20, Staicele, Limbažu novads
Phone:+371 29190741

Skydive Latvia

Address:Langači, Limbažu pag., Limbažu nov.,
Phone:+371 20164579

Staicele iron springs

Address:Lielā iela 43, Staicele
The natural monument consists of two gently rising springs on the left bank of the Salaca River. The springs are situated at the top of two parallel ravines, and the water from the springs then flows down the streams in these ravines to the Salaca River. read more ››

Staicele weavers' workshop

Address:Lielā iela 19, Staicele
Phone:+371 27806452
In the restored tree house, you can watch and participate in the work of weavers who use natural materials to create lovely souvenirs and useful household items. 9 looms are on display. You can listen to a story about the weaving process. Weave scarves and dye them with natural dyes. read more ››

The Lamprey fishing trade and Lamprey weir

Address:Meldru iela 18, Salacgrīva
Phone: +371 29268299
Only in Salacgrīva is the weir, a unique fishing technique with a centuries-long history, still used for lamprey fishing today. read more ››

The Museum of Salacgriva

Address: Sila 2, Salacgrīva
Phone:+371 64071981
Salacgrīva Museum was founded in 1998 and acts as a regional history centre for local residents, tourists and history researchers. read more ››

Ungurpils Mill Lake

Ungurpils Mill Lake is an artificial lake created by the flooding of the Jogla River. It is unique for its floating islands, which were formed after the lake was flooded. read more ››

Veczemju cliffs

You must have heard of the Vidzeme rocky seashore - a 12-kilometre stretch of coastline where sandstone outcrops can be seen on the sea shore. read more ››

Red cliffs at Salaca

Address:Mērniekos, Salacas upes krastā
The Red Rocks of Salaca are a sandstone cliff that stretches for more than 400 metres. read more ››

A journey into the world of beef flavours at "Grill House Pernigele"

Address:"Jelgavkrasti", Jelgavkrasti, Liepupes pagasts
Phone:+371 20461461
"Grill House Pernigele'' invites you on an exciting journey into the world of beef flavours. The variety of beef flavours is full of interesting details. read more ››

Store "Created by the Sea"

Address:Rīgas iela 13, Salacgrīva
Phone: +371 26331880
Store "Created by the Sea" is located in the shop "TOP". read more ››

Boat rental "Šļūc pa upi"

Phone:+371 25 225 115
Boat rental "Šlūc pa upi" offers kayak, SUP and inflatable raft rentals for boating on Latvia's most beautiful rivers. read more ››

Mini ZOO "Priedītes"

Address:"Priedītes", Katvaru pagasts, Limbažu novads
Phone:+371 29287290

Nature reserve "Vidzeme Stony seashore"

Address:Liepupes un Salacgrīvas pagasti
The protection of Vidzeme's stony seashore began in 1957 with the creation of a 3 km-long protected geological site on both sides of the Ķurmrags. In 1987, a complex nature reserve of 1322 ha was established. read more ››

Museum "The Treasury"

Address:Rīgas iela 7, Salacgrīva
Phone:+371 26436719
Museum "The Treasury " surprises with its rich assortment of items. read more ››

Ežurga cliffs

Address:Liepupes pagasts
A sandstone outcrop of the Burtnieki Suite, up to 3.5 m high and about 50 m wide. The outcrop is a beautiful red colour. The Ežurga flows into the sea with a waterfall in the northern part of the cliffs. In the northern part, north of the mouth of the Ežurga, the cliffs are smooth and about 10 m wide. read more ››
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