Monument to Composer and Author of the Latvia National Anthem Kārlis Baumanis

Located at the intersection of Dailes Street and Cēsu Street. The bronze monument was unveiled in 1998 (by sculptors Z. Rapa and J. Rapa).
Cēsu un Dailes ielu stūris
lat: 57.51418494256182; lon: 24.715614044308882

Pizzeria "Lauvas pica"

Address: Limbaži, Rīgas iela 8
Phone:+371 20 287 888
"Lauvas pica" offers freshly baked and after original recipes made pizzas, observing an special preparation of the dough, which ensures a constant quality, as well as salad, soups, refreshing drinks, coffee and tea. More info ››

Limbaži Evangelical Lutheran Church

Address: Lībiešu iela 2
Phone: +371 29430665
The masonry church buildin was funded by the Riga City Council and built in 1679 - 1680,according to the building master's R.Bindenšu desing. The building suffered fires several times. The church interior houses art works of different styles - pulpit-altar, pulpit, etc. Open for visitors daily during the season ( May - September ). Amonument to th Freedom Fights of Latvia stands in tne church garden. More info ››

Kebab shop "Hansa kebab"

Address:Baznīcas laukums 1, Limbaži
Phone:+371 25756196
"Hanzas Kebabs" is a new and tasteful café-kebabshop. Kebabs, various snacks, cocktails and Brenguli beer! Orders accepted 30 minutes before closing time. More info ››

Monument to the composer Baumaņu Kārlis

Address:Dailes un Cēsu ielas stūris, Limbaži
Located at the intersection of Dailes Street and Cēsu Street. The bronze monument was unveiled in 1998 (by sculptors Z. Rapa and J. Rapa). More info ››
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